
Heroes Never Die

An animation honoring nurses during the Covid -19 pandemic, Times Square, NY

Animación en honor a las enfermeras y enfermeros durante la pandemia de Covid -19. Times Square, Nueva York, 2020- 2021

Times Square 2020- 2021.

Times Square, NY 2020- 2021.


Who’s Next

Up in Arms


Museum of Contemporary Art , Los Angeles, CA. 2020

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA. 2020

Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA. 2020

Kunsthal KAde Museum, Netherlands. 2020-21

Kunsthal KAde Museum, Netherlands. 2020-21


Museum of Contemporary Art , Los Angeles, CA. 2020

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Kunsthal KAde Museum, Netherlands. 2020-21

In Print, FD Persoonlijk Magazine, Netherlands

ESPAÑOL: Impreso, FD Persoonlijk Magazine, Holanda

In Print, 2021

ESPAÑOL: Impreso, 2021

In Print, 2021

ESPAÑOL, Impreso, 2021