10:30am-12:pm EST
Enter the 1,500 animal species that practice same-sex coupling- from insects to fish, birds, and mammals. Enter the asexual fungi and the gender-shifting one too. Enter the bisexual dolphin, the red squirrel, the birth-giving male seahorse, and the snake orgy. Enter a school of clownfish, always built into a hierarchy with a female fish at the top. When she dies, the most dominant male changes sex and takes her place long after being born. Nature is as queer and multidimensional as it gets.
Let us remember that we live on a round 3-D circle, and it won't be boxed in! There are no straight lines in nature, so let us queer the linear thought and uphold the stories that will help us to re- spect (in its etymology to see again) life all around us.
Queering our ecological and cultural landscapes teaches us about multiplicitous thinking; it helps us expand beyond the single story, the binary view, the only solution. It reweaves us back into the intrinsic nature of life as we move through the heart of the 6th mass extinction. It recalibrates us as we embark on our generational task to dismantle systems of oppression and create post-capitalist futures if we are to keep participating in the miracle.