A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self
to Jun 16

A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self

Pacific Standard Time

REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED! Hosted by Education for Racial Equity.

In the face of compounding historical and present-day traumas, environmental collapse, and chronic uncertainty, we know as a species that we need something radically different, yet, many of us feel the pain of not knowing where to begin. In nature, we find the ultimate creative force. Her powerful teachings serve our awakening towards something beyond the catastrophic urgencies of the now. This course will explore and exercise our creative muscle to strengthen our visionary selves. In this time of deep injustice and collapse on multiple social and ecological fronts, this course explores what is being asked of us, with all of our intersectional identities and diverse lived experiences. When we encounter and encourage the wild dance of the artist within, the imaginary self becomes part of the visionary collective needed for these times. 

During our six months together, we will work with our bodies through what Alixa García calls Creativity Infused Somatic Practices to help move trauma through the body by consciously activating our relationship with nature and the creative force. The course explores intersectional equity through the lens of the imaginal and our interrelatedness with the Earth. We will sit with grief as ceremony; coax the artist within; exercise and play with our intuitive body so that we may readily access intuition and come to trust it; visit ancestral, present, and future selves; recenter the Earth and bring into focus our cosmic responsibility; activate enchantment in times of collapse. By centralizing art and creative writing as political and spiritual practices, we will reintegrate creativity as the means by which we commune.

“After decades of doing anti-racist work, Alixa's course showed me how to enter entirely new creative, imaginal dimensions of self, community, and spirit.” - 2022 participant

When we create with intention, our creations become the invocation, and the space inside and between us becomes the sanctuary. In the heart of the 6th mass extinction, how do we awaken the Imaginal within? Come, let us sit together in circles of wonder and creative devotion in this 3-month journey.

*This course engages in a Solidarity Economy model and cycles back 50% of tuition after production expenses to those on the frontlines doing crucial healing work with the Earth. Because of last year’s course, and with the incredible match by Education For Racial Equity’s distribution fund, we were able to send $45K to three incredible Indigenous women and youth-led organizations in the Ecuadorian Amazon and La Guajira, Colombia. Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuú (Colombia),  Mujeres Amazónicas (Ecuador), Jovenes en Defensa de la Amazonia (Ecuador). 


Jan 13 | Session 1
An Invitation to Fail: Coaxing the Artist Within

Jan 14 | Session 2
The Imaginal: Making a Home For Intuition & Soul Commitments

Jan 28 | Session 3
Ancestral Tending I

Feb 11 | Session 4
Ancestral Tending II

Feb 25| Session 5
Trauma as the Doorway

March 10 | Session 6
Grief as Ceremony

March 17 | Session 7
Enchantment: The Chant Within

April 7 | Session 8
Trickster Trickster

April 21 | Session 9
Creating Spirit Cards I

May 5 | Session 10
Creating Spirit Cards II

May 19 | Session 11
Visionary Futures I

June 2 | Session 12
Visionary futures II

June 16| Session 13
The Unfolding

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A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self
to Mar 16

A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self

Pacific Standard Time

REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Hosted by Bioneers and Bioneers Learning

Between the ages of 2 and 7, the brain operates in Theta waves. Theta is the brain state for intuition, imagination, and creativity and is a repository for memories, emotions, and sensations. When we leave our childhood behind, we can only achieve this state when asleep, meditating, or creating. This mental state is the visionary field.

While together, we will work with our bodies, activating the Theta state through what Alixa calls Creativite Somatic Practices to help move trauma through and out of the Soma by consciously activating an awareness-centered imagination that serves our awakening towards something beyond the catastrophic urgencies of the now.

In the face of compounding ancestral, historical, and present-day traumas, state violence, environmental collapse, and chronic uncertainty, we know that we need something radically different. Yet, many of us feel the pain of not knowing where to begin. In nature and through the body, we find the ultimate healing and creative force. This course explores and exercises our creative muscle to strengthen our visionary selves by tapping into the Soma through an awareness-centered imagination. When we encounter and encourage the wild dance of the artist within, the imaginative self becomes part of the visionary collective needed for these times.

Through our time together, we will centralize art and creative writing as political and spiritual practices. We will use what is called attention-intensive practices in neuroscience to expand our capacity for imagination and neuroplasticity. We will recenter the Earth while bringing into focus our cosmic responsibility. During our time together we will integrate creativity as a regular practice in our lives and the means by which we commune.

What is the role of an awareness-centered imagination in times of collapse? Creativity is the antidote to destruction; when we create with intention, our creations become the invocation, and the space inside and between us becomes the sanctuary. This course is for those who yearn to be with their bodies and in their creativity as a ritual practice and ceremony.

As we move into the heart of the 6th mass extinction, how do we re-enter the ceremony of life and awaken the Imaginal within? Come, let us sit in circles of wonder and creative devotion as we embark on this 6-month personal and collective journey.

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OCT 12, 2024

OCT 13, 2024

OCT 27, 2024

NOV 10, 2024

NOV 24, 2024

DEC 8, 2024

DEC 22, 2024

JAN 5, 2025

JAN 19, 2025

FEB 2, 2025

FEB 16, 2025

MAR 2, 2025

MAR 16, 2025


Please be 100% available to participate when attending the sessions. Make sure to have a private space for your process. We ask that you be on camera as much as possible as the next-best alternative to not being in the room; this will help us to feel each other’s presence and deepen.
The sessions will not be recorded to ensure full authenticity without the fear of being frozen in time.

The course centers on Creative Somatics, so please be ready to engage your body and your inner creator. There will be options accessible for people of different abilities.  

Processing and integration happen between the main sessions on an individual and group level. For this reason, all participants will have access to a Creative Path, a Ritual Path, and a Breath and Mindfulness Path. The Paths rotate every two months so that participants have the opportunity to walk all three Paths during the six-month journey.

The Paths have bi-weekly Expansions (or practices) that can be done as a solo journeyer or in a small Pod between the main sessions, deepening and expanding your journey. These are invitations. You only need to participate in a Path or a Pod if you wish to, though we highly encourage it.

Pods meet once between sessions. The participants of each Pod will determine when and for how long they meet.

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Something shifted for me during Alixa's course. I went from seeing creativity as a sidebar to my life to making creativity, play, and experimentation central to my own healing, joy, and transformation. -AJ Johnston

Alixa García's Course on the Imaginal took all of us on a grand journey into our imaginations, into our individual and collective trauma and grief, into the arms of our ancestors, into a collective, collaborative vision of possibility and world-building. It was, in a few words, magic alchemy in a time of collective and individual grief, fear, and loss. After decades of doing anti-racist work, Alixa's course showed me how to enter entirely new creative, imaginal dimensions of self, community, and spirit. This was one of the most beautiful, moving, collective and individual journeys I have ever been on. Whole universes opened up inside of me, and I was so honored to witness whole universes open up in my fellow imaginals too. Alixa is a magical alchemist of the most unique and wonderful order. Pure poetry! -Camas Davis

Working with the creative depths Alixa offers in this course transforms an inspiring metaphor into ancestral healing and power-filled, life restoring practices. - Rachel Bagby

"Do it! The experience will change you and your life in unimaginable and unanticipatable ways! Whatever you are bringing or showing up with is exactly what you need to be with—all of it feels welcome and held with spaciousness while also being challenging beyond expectation. This is some of the most important medicine our world needs as we face the Sixth Mass Extinction and the breaking apart of modernity and coloniality." -Cristien Storm

Where do I start…. I saw this course being offered and immediately it resonated with me.  The description for this class however really does not do the justice it truly deserves.  This is a soul experience that immerses you from the start and takes you through a journey of self-love, acceptance, understanding and strength and brings you to the other side wanting so much more!  The intimacy and safety within a group of strangers from all walks of life brings a whole other surprising component and really bonds you in a community where you can feel free to create, heal and grow.  I am a different person because of the guidance, ambience, course and love that Alixa exudes.  The course has truly impacted and shaped the past year in my healing journey mentally, spiritually, emotionally and physically.  This course is “A MUST” it is going to shake you to the core and show you a world of possibilities past, present and future to help cultivate a better you.  Come hungry, come vulnerable and come without borders and let it all go and you will soar!  Thank you Alixa and all the “Imaginals.” -Sha Shells

"A Course on the Imaginal is a container created by Alixa García and the participant community. It is stunning in its warmth, courage, and transformation. It is a journey of months that I suspect will take years to unpack in an embodied way, in a holistic way that embraces body, mind, heart, and spirit. The course names some hard truths, challenges beliefs, makes space for generative conflict, soothes the soul, and offers tools for safety, transformation, and creativity so that the person who walks in will not remain the person who walks out—feeling so much gratitude for the learnings, camaraderie, and movements in the past months. I highly recommend attending this wonderful course and making it even better with your own magic." -Arpita Gaidhane

"I would take this course every year! I am always looking for safe growing and learning spaces, and this was more than it! Alixa was creative, thoughtful, wise, accommodating, and brilliant in what she gave to the participants. I have been a fan of hers for years, and this was another way for me to experience her creative talent!" -Nkechi Feaster

"I highly recommend this course to anyone...to EVERYONE! Alixa's facilitation was profoundly impactful, as well as enjoyable. Her richly gorgeous energy is palpable even through a Zoom screen. I was deeply nourished by all of the practices, as well as rediscovering the joy of playing with art in simple ways. The connection with other Imaginal souls was so beautiful and uplifting." -Teri Osborne

"Alixa is a powerhouse! Such wisdom, knowledge, creativity and expert facilitation. Thank you so much!" -Elizabeth Spavento

"The ripples are many, deep, and wide. Every aspect of my life and relationships have been supported by this journey—some of the biggest ripples include the practice of being authentic-self-led and feeling into the web of life and non-linear waves of time and being." -Cristien Storm

"This course, with the inspiring guidance provided, literally changed my whole life. I have eyes to see and ears that do hear what has always been available to me, but I lacked the knowledge, insight, or capacity to access it before taking this course. With Alixa's compassionate, wisdom-rich, and humble leadership, we journeyed on a path of self and communal discovery that opened my heart and mind to an expansive universe of divine greatness that has been waiting for me to acknowledge. I found the key to unlock the doors I had previously knocked on or wondered about, and I am forever gratefully changed." -Kimberly Cato

"This course is a truly heart-opening experience. Throughout our journey, we practiced the Imaginal together, deepening our core commitments towards ourselves and for the future, as we face the gravity of these times." -Marie Varghese

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A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self
to Dec 10

A Course on the Imaginal: Cultivating the Visionary Self


2022’s course was a complete success, with the most consistent feedback being “transformational”.

Half of the funding from tuition went to three Indigenous women and youth-led organizations that are protecting, with their lives and culture, the Amazon Rainforest in Colombia and Ecuador. In partnership with Education for Racial Equity, we offered this journey and matched the tuition through ERE’s Redistribution Fund. We were able to send a total of $45,000 down to the Amazon, fortifying Fuerza de Mujeres Wayuú (Colombia), Mujeres Amazónicas (Ecuador), and Jovenes en Defensa de la Amazonia (Ecuador). 

Yes! to cooperative and gifting economies! The model worked so beautifully that we are offering it again.

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